News & updates
- Free Fish Heads: New app connects fishing fans with seafood loversNewstalk ZB, 9 December 2024 An unconventional app is bringing Kiwis together through a love of fish heads. Free Fish Heads allows fishersContinue reading “Free Fish Heads: New app connects fishing fans with seafood lovers”
- The hook up app for fish head loversRNZ. December 2024. For every kilo of fish that you give to somebody to eat, that’s a kilo of fish still swimming inContinue reading “The hook up app for fish head lovers”
- A decade of evolving community supportNZ Herald, October 2024. Good in the Hood has evolved and improved since launching in 2011. To grow young minds and help childrenContinue reading “A decade of evolving community support”
- Sharing the bounty: The Kai Ika ProjectAA Directions Magazine, Spring 2024 Chris Jupp spends his Thursdays elbow deep in fresh fish parts that might otherwise be bound for theContinue reading “Sharing the bounty: The Kai Ika Project”
- Demand for Kai Ika project soars, Woolworths gets on boardStuff. On a Friday morning, Centre Park in Auckland’s Māngere is absolutely chocka with cars waiting for one thing… fish. It’s part ofContinue reading “Demand for Kai Ika project soars, Woolworths gets on board”
- The benefits of eating unpopular fishThe Spinoff, September 23, 2024 The least popular eating fish tend to also be the most sustainable. But the two don’t have toContinue reading “The benefits of eating unpopular fish”
- Food Rescue KitchenThree now Naomi Toilalo is on a food rescue mission. Join her as she challenges legendary Chef Peter Gordon to cook a 3Continue reading “Food Rescue Kitchen”
- Cleaning streams and feeding crowds: the community groups strengthening AucklandPublished in The Spinoff. Auckland may be the largest city in Aotearoa, but it’s the small community-led organisations within it that make theContinue reading “Cleaning streams and feeding crowds: the community groups strengthening Auckland”
- Cans for Kai: Waste from consumerism now a community treasureNZ Herald. LegaSea’s Kai Ika Project, in partnership with Papatūānuku Kōkiri Marae, Westhaven Marina and Outboard Boating Club, is introducing a new fundraisingContinue reading “Cans for Kai: Waste from consumerism now a community treasure”
- Fish tales: Kai Ika bringing fish heads to those that need (and want) them mostThe Feed. With Aotearoa’s fish stocks under pressure from over-fishing, the way we consume fish becomes a vitally important issue. Many New Zealanders,Continue reading “Fish tales: Kai Ika bringing fish heads to those that need (and want) them most”
- Phoenix Metalman Recycling – LegaSea LifebloodNew Zealand Fishing News. Contemporary buzzwords like ‘sustainability‘, environmental responsibility’, and ‘transformation’ are bandied about a lot these days, but it’s rare toContinue reading “Phoenix Metalman Recycling – LegaSea Lifeblood”
- ‘Food of chiefs’: There’s more to eating fish headsFish heads, says Peter Gordon, are known as “the food of the chiefs” in Māori food lore. “New Zealanders on the whole wouldContinue reading “‘Food of chiefs’: There’s more to eating fish heads”
- Tackling cost of living issues, one fish carcass at a timeWhile it’s not a new project, the team at Kai Ika Project Wellington are seeing a huge increase in demand from when theyContinue reading “Tackling cost of living issues, one fish carcass at a time”
- Kai Ika Wellington hopes to raise $18k for new vanA project to feed those in need with leftover fish is hoping to raise $18,700 to get a new van and make sureContinue reading “Kai Ika Wellington hopes to raise $18k for new van”
- Kai Ika Expands their Distribution ChannelsThe Kai Ika Project is proud to announce Hope Worldwide-Pakistan has joined the directory of kaimoana recipients. Every Wednesday between 12pm-2pm kaimoana willContinue reading “Kai Ika Expands their Distribution Channels”
- Orakei Ward Councillor – Desley Simpson Visits Kai Ika at OBCSo you’ve caught your fish, only want the fillets and don’t want the smelly fish heads and remains stinking out your rubbish bin when you get home? Welcome to the Kai Ika Project…..
- WWPD? What would Papatūānuku do?Viv sat down for a kōrero with Dallas Abel, the Project Coordinator for the Kai Ika project, to talk about their kaupapa andContinue reading “WWPD? What would Papatūānuku do?”
- Conservation Through Utilization with Dallas Abel of the Kai Ika ProjectAquademia: The Seafood and Sustainability Podcast In previous episodes, we’ve discussed various uses of discarded fish parts, from grinding into fish meal toContinue reading “Conservation Through Utilization with Dallas Abel of the Kai Ika Project”
- Diverse values of surplus for a community economy of fish(eries)Abstract: This paper develops a diverse economies account offish ‘waste’ that revalues it as ‘surplus’. We examine ‘Kai Ika’, a community marine conservationContinue reading “Diverse values of surplus for a community economy of fish(eries)”
- ALL IS FISH that comes to the NET – ISLAND MagazineFor the people of the Pacific, seafood has always been a major part of our diets and seas are ingrained in our psyche.—-It’sContinue reading “ALL IS FISH that comes to the NET – ISLAND Magazine”
- Royal Wolf: COMMUNITY CONTAINER HUB BREAKS FERTILE GROUNDA fish filleting container created by Royal Wolf for a local Auckland marae is now the centre of a research and development projectContinue reading “Royal Wolf: COMMUNITY CONTAINER HUB BREAKS FERTILE GROUND”
- NZ Fishing News: NOSE TO TAIL RECIPES“We want to encourage the use of the whole fish. We hope to empower home chefs to prepare less familiar secondary cuts andContinue reading “NZ Fishing News: NOSE TO TAIL RECIPES”
- FISHING and OUTDOORS: Cover story: The Kai Ika ProjectAnybody who loves to fish understands the importance of reeling them in responsibly, but are we doing enough off the water to makeContinue reading “FISHING and OUTDOORS: Cover story: The Kai Ika Project”
- VICE Munchies: How Fish Heads Are Improving New ZealandIn Auckland, NZ, The Kai Ika Project was created to utilize fish heads, frames and offal which were previously going to waste. SinceContinue reading “VICE Munchies: How Fish Heads Are Improving New Zealand”
- Stone Soup: KAI IKAThe best ideas are always simple, they make sense and when you first hear of them, almost every time they make you wonderContinue reading “Stone Soup: KAI IKA”
- Chasing A Plate – Saving 140,000kg of fish from wasteThomas and Sheena are the creators of the Youtube channel ‘Chasing A Plate‘ and are food and travel friends. Every so often they’llContinue reading “Chasing A Plate – Saving 140,000kg of fish from waste”
- Jacinda Ardern visits The Kai Ika ProjectIn April 2021 The Kai Ika Project had the privilege of hosting Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern at the Papatūānuku Kōkiri Marae, to shareContinue reading “Jacinda Ardern visits The Kai Ika Project”
- Kia ora magazine: Sea changeA solution to an environmental challenge has developed into a project that is proving transformational on multiple levels. THEY SAY THE greatest ideasContinue reading “Kia ora magazine: Sea change”
- Te Ao: Food cart service fillets your fish and gives proceeds to local maraeThe Kai Ika filleting trailer is a food cart with a difference. Based at Auckland’s Westhaven Marina, for just a few dollars they’llContinue reading “Te Ao: Food cart service fillets your fish and gives proceeds to local marae”
- Fish of the Day: Clarke gets his fish filleted at the Kai Ika trailerJoin Clarke Gayford as he heads into the Hauraki Gulf in search of his fish of the day – the New Zealand gurnard.Continue reading “Fish of the Day: Clarke gets his fish filleted at the Kai Ika trailer”
- New York Times: A Solution to Pandemic Hunger, Eyeballs and AllThis article appeared in the print edition of the New York Times and was likely read by tens of millions of readers. “AContinue reading “New York Times: A Solution to Pandemic Hunger, Eyeballs and All”
- Te Ao Māori news: Kai Ika grows to meet urgent demand but more help neededPapatūānuku Kōkiri Marae is struggling to keep up with demand for its fish. The marae is running a partnership with Legasea that provides fishContinue reading “Te Ao Māori news: Kai Ika grows to meet urgent demand but more help needed”
- The Hui, Three: Turning waste into nourishmentA great segment on The Hui that shows how Kai Ika and Papatūānuku Kōkiri Marae are turning previously wasted kaimoana into an important source ofContinue reading “The Hui, Three: Turning waste into nourishment”
- Outboard Boating Club and the Kai Ika ProjectGulf Journal, 2020 Respecting fish is at the core of the Kai Ika project which started as a pilot project at the OutboardContinue reading “Outboard Boating Club and the Kai Ika Project”
- NZ Herald: Turning waste into a delicacyAn initiative between Auckland marae and the region’s fishers has seen over 84 tonnes of what would have been scraps transformed into deliciousContinue reading “NZ Herald: Turning waste into a delicacy”
- Kai Ika project donating fish to whānau struggles with demandA not-for-profit which donates fish parts from commercial fishers to families in need has called for help to meet the growing demand inContinue reading “Kai Ika project donating fish to whānau struggles with demand”
- TVNZ: Growing demand from families in need sees orders increase for fish scrapsSince the beginning of lock down the The Kai Ika Project has tripled its output of fish frames and heads to whanau inContinue reading “TVNZ: Growing demand from families in need sees orders increase for fish scraps”
- TVNZ: Auckland marae repurposing fish scraps to feed communityThe Kai ika project and Papatūānuku Kōkiri Marae are once again in the news with a feature on TV One news last Sunday. WithContinue reading “TVNZ: Auckland marae repurposing fish scraps to feed community”
- RNZ: Fishhead freecycle scheme gets leftover kaimoana to Porirua familiesLegaSea has team up with Porirua locals to put unwanted fish heads and frames to good use by delivering them to hungry familiesContinue reading “RNZ: Fishhead freecycle scheme gets leftover kaimoana to Porirua families”
- Stuff: Marae on a mission – reconnecting the community to healthy foodThe Papatuanuku Marae have once again attracted praise and support for their initiatives to help their community reconnect to healthy food. By collectingContinue reading “Stuff: Marae on a mission – reconnecting the community to healthy food”
- Maori TV: Marae feeds needy with free fish off-cutsPapatuanuku Kokiri marae is taking its no waste initiative to new heights, confronting nutritional, environmental and community issues by collecting unwanted fish wasteContinue reading “Maori TV: Marae feeds needy with free fish off-cuts”
- Newshub: South Auckland marae makes fish ‘waste’ into food for the communityIf you’ve been out fishing this summer, chances are you threw out the fish guts and frames when you came back in. ButContinue reading “Newshub: South Auckland marae makes fish ‘waste’ into food for the community”
- Stuff: Hobson Outboard Boating Club helps Mangere marae with unwanted fish off cutsAn Auckland boating club is putting unwanted fish cuts to good use and helping tackle nutritional, environmental and social issues at the same time.Continue reading “Stuff: Hobson Outboard Boating Club helps Mangere marae with unwanted fish off cuts”
- From where it all began – ‘Marae cans the KFC for a giant Kumara patch’In 2016 the Outboard Boating Club of Auckland (OBC) approached LegaSea to find a solution to their post filleting fish offcuts. At theContinue reading “From where it all began – ‘Marae cans the KFC for a giant Kumara patch’”