Te Whanganui-a-Tara

Kai Ika in Wellington

In June 2022, we began piloting this the Kai Ika project in Wellington and have unequivocally proven that there is an appetite for kaimoana in the capital.

In our first year the Kai Ika Wellington team have repurposed over 5,000 kg of rangatira kai (chiefs’ food). The demand has grown to the point that they are now sharing over 450kg every week with families and community groups. 

The key for success is our project partners. Our initial pilot was run in collaboration with the team at Wesley Community Action, Cannons Creek. They welcomed us with open arms and their wider community did the rest; spreading the word to their friends and family, picking up kaimoana for their neighbours and elderly and contributing through koha and volunteering.

We are now also working with Kokiri Marae and a growing group of local volunteers to provide for other communities across the region. And of course none of this would be possible without the generosity of the local seafood companies, The Seafood Factory and now Moana Fisheries.

A little koha will go a long way.

We need your help
We are looking for a committed group of like minded individuals to help make it happen. By giving as little as $20 per month, you will help the team recover and distribute a massive amount per year and provide the stable foundations for us to build this project alongside grant providers and commercial partners.

How your money is used?
100% of public donations are spent on sharing this Kai Moana with the community.

Donate via internet banking
ASB bank account Kai Ika

If you choose to donate by bank transfer please send us an email with your contact details so that we can get in touch.

Donate via credit card
You can make a contribution with your credit card by completing the form.

Credit card security is of most importance and credit card details are not kept on the LegaSea database. Your payment details have the security offered by Paystation, a fully PCI DSS compliant certified Solutions Provider.

Tax deductability
Please note – Donations to Kai Ika are not tax deductible.

If you would like to contribute through your business please get in touch with us.

Our Sponsors

Founding partners