We’re pleased to announce the release of the new Free Fish Heads app. Get it now on Google Play and the App Store.
Welcome to Free Fish Heads
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Experience the true spirit of community and sustainability with the Free Fish Heads app. We’re on a mission to connect local New Zealand fishers with seafood lovers eager to enjoy the often-overlooked parts of the fish – the heads and frames. Instead of letting these nutritious and delicious pieces go to waste, share them with those who value them as tasty kai!

For Fish Head Lovers
Discover generous fishers in your area offering fresh fish heads and frames. Unlock a world of delicious recipes and enjoy the rich flavours and nutrients that these parts have to offer.
How it works
- Sign up as a receiver
- Wait for offers to come your way
- Accept any offers you are interested in
- Arrange Pickup
- Enjoy the Bounty!
For Fishers
Share your catch by offering fish heads and frames you don’t need. Make the most of your fishing experience by ensuring nothing goes to waste, and connect with people who appreciate every part of the fish.
How it works
- Sign up as Fisher
- List any chilled heads and frames you might have surplus
- Connect with a receiver
- Arrange Pickup
- Share the Bounty!

Key Features
Easy Listings
Fishers can quickly post available heads and frames.
Find Nearby Offers
Seafood lovers can discover available fish parts in their area.
In-App Messaging
Coordinate pickups and build lasting community connections.
Push Notifications
Never miss out on new offers near you.
Support Sustainability
Join a network focused on reducing waste and celebrating all parts of the fish.
Proudly Supported By