Ā mātou kaupapa
Our mission
Our mission is to minimise our impact on the marine environment through better utilisation of our natural resources. We encourage giving respect to each and every fish harvested and ensure no part of the fish is wasted.
When we strip everything back to the bare necessity food insecurity is an environmental issue.
We aim to connect New Zealanders and encourage collaboration with outside communities through the appreciation of all parts of kai moana. We hope to adjust people’s perceptions that fish heads are actually a revered food source.
The Kai Ika Project aims to:
- Minimise people’s impact on the marine environment. The Kai Ika Project helps address the reality that New Zealand’s fisheries are being depleted faster than they can rebuild.
- Decrease waste going to landfill. Prevent tonnes of natural resource entering general waste streams by increasing the recovery of fish parts fit for consumption.
- Generate meaningful employment. Through our new filleting trailer we are now generating employment opportunities. These work opportunities will allow others in our community to grow themselves, to provide for their families, and improve their food hygiene and handling experience.
- Increase social, economic and cultural benefits. Foster community engagement and project support. Encourage community participation and celebrate cultural diversity through the distribution of this nutrient-rich food source.
- Educate. Improve public awareness about the need to minimise waste and how we can collectively make a positive impact on our environment by adjusting our consumption behaviours.
All of this effort is driven by a sense of rangatiratanga, an aspiration to lead by example based on inherited knowledge
Finally, through kotahitanga (partnership to protect our taonga) The Kai Ika Project promotes kaitiakitanga (guardianship) and manaakitanga (our sacred obligation to care for people). It shows how a simple adjustment in our community’s behaviour is having a positive impact on many families as well as the environment – building unity through humility and generosity.
Kai Ika Wellington

Kai Ika is now in Wellington!
Kai Ika Hawke’s Bay

Kai Ika is now in Hawke’s Bay!
Get your fish filleted

We offer filleting services at the Westhaven, Auckland and for events.
Like our kaupapa?

We are always in need of more support.