Donate to Kai Ika
This second wave of Covid-19 has seen another surge in demand.
Requests for kaimoana are once again on the rise. We’re up for the challenge, but we need your help.
A little koha will go a long way.

We need your help
Our objective, is to collect and share as much kaimoana with the community as possible. Our immediate responsibility is to build social resilience and enable whanau to feed whanau. In these unprecedented times the value of fish heads and frames has never been more appreciated and needed.
The world is shifting, the immediate future is unclear and uncertain. The one thing that is clear – people always need access to good quality food, water and shelter. We need your help to provide these vital services to these vulnerable communities.
If something is not working properly or you need help please get in touch with us.
If you would like to donate specifically to Kai Ika in Wellington, you can do so here.
How your money is used?
100% of public donations are spent on sharing this Kai Moana with the community.
Donate via internet banking
ASB bank account Kai Ika
If you choose to donate by bank transfer please send us an email with your contact details so that we can get in touch.
Donate via credit card
You can make a contribution with your credit card by completing the form.
Credit card security is of most importance and credit card details are not kept on the LegaSea database. Your payment details have the security offered by Paystation, a fully PCI DSS compliant certified Solutions Provider.
Tax deductability
Please note – Donations to Kai Ika are not tax deductible.
If you would like to contribute through your business please get in touch with us.