Fish parts repurposed

Pick ups

8,236 hrs
Volunteer work


The Outboard Boating Club of Auckland and the Papatūānuku Kōkiri Marae have teamed up with LegaSea and the NZ Sport Fishing Council to develop The Kai Ika Project.

The Kai Ika Project utilises fish heads, frames and offal, which were previously going to waste. Since September 2016 previously discarded fish parts have been collected and redistributed to families and community groups in South Auckland who value these fish parts and enjoy their sweet flesh.

In 2022, we opened a Wellington branch of the organisation and in 2024, we launched in Hawke’s Bay – both allowing us to get more kaimoana to more people across the regions.

Kai Ika Wellington

Kai Ika is now in Wellington!

Kai Ika Hawke’s Bay

Kai Ika is now in Hawke’s Bay!

Get your fish filleted

We offer filleting services at the Westhaven, Auckland and for events.

Like our kaupapa?

We are always in need of more support.

Our Mission

Our mission is to minimise our impact on the marine environment through better utilisation of our natural resources. We encourage giving respect to each and every fish harvested and ensure no part of the fish is wasted.

When we strip everything back to the bare necessity food insecurity is an environmental issue.

We aim to connect New Zealanders and encourage collaboration with outside communities through the appreciation of all parts of kai moana. We hope to adjust people’s perceptions that fish heads are actually a revered food source.

Cans for Kai


Free Fish Heads

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